Dynamic Lights


A dropped torch item.

File location

/assets/minecraft/optifine/dynamic_lights.properties /assets/<MOD>/optifine/dynamic_lights.properties

Dynamic Lights allows hand-held and dropped light-emitting items, such as torches, to illuminate the blocks around them in the world.


Button and tooltip for the option, found in Video Settings ‣ Quality.


An example of dynamic lighting; the held-item torch illuminates the blocks around the player, and the dropped glowstone item also does the same.

This configuration file allows mods to define dynamic light levels for entities and items.



Values: String: entity:light_level

Entity light levels. The entity name is automatically expanded with the mod's ID, if applicable.

The light level should be between 0 and 15. For example: entities=basalz:15 blitz:7.


This does not work for minecraft: entities.


Values: String: item:light_level

Item light levels. The item name is automatically expanded with the mod's ID, if applicable.

The light level should be between 0 and 15. For example: items=florb:15 morb:7.


This does not work for minecraft: items.

JSON schema


Although this page is .properties based, it can be mapped to JSON.

	"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema",
	"$id": "https://gitlab.com/whoatemybutter/optifinedocs/-/blob/master/schemas/dynamic_lights.schema.json",
	"title": "Dynamic Lights",
	"description": "Dynamic Lights allows hand-held and dropped light-emitting items such as torches to illuminate the blocks around them in the world.",
	"type": "object",
	"properties": {
		"entities": {
			"type": "string",
			"pattern": "(.*?:\\d{1,2}) ?",
			"description": "Entity light levels."
		"items": {
			"type": "string",
			"pattern": "(.*?:\\d{1,2}) ?",
			"description": "Item light levels."
	"additionalProperties": false

Assumes the latest OptiFine version.
Updated to commit 15ef3106.

Last update: 2024 April 30